
These are all the University Entrance Exams organized by the University of Granada:

The degree consists of 240 credits distributed over 4 academic years at a rate of 60 credits per year. All your subjects are 6 credits (150 hours as 1 ECTS credit is equivalent to 25 hours). ECTS credits value the time invested in acquiring the competencies of the study programme. They include classroom attendance, dedication to study, tutorials ..... These credits are distributed as follows:

Credit type

  • Basic: 60
  • Compulsory: 132
  • Optional: 42
  • Undergraduate Dissertation (TFG): 6

The secretary of the faculty has several information and communication channels with students.

  1. Through the secretarial staff, in person or by telephone.
  2. Screens located at the secretary's office, reception and the hallways.
  3. By email (
  4. On the website: http://
  5. Facebook and Twitter

If you want to carry out administrative procedures at the secretary's office, you must have an appointment in advance.

Se puede solicitar directamente en el Tótem instalado a la entrada, a través de la web y también en App de CIGES (disponible para Android e IOS). ¡ NO OLVIDES VALIDARLO!

Access the university website with your National Identity Document (DNI) without the letter and introduce the PIN that you were given during the enrolment process.

Some utilities of this service are the following: “Consulta de expediente” (Consult official academic transcrip): Here you can consult your academic record (registration, grades, teaching load passed, etc.). “Gestión mi foto UGR” (Manage my photo UGR): you can consult and change the photograph in your official academic transcript. “Mis pagos UGR” (My payments): you can pay your registration payment with your credit card.

PRADO is the institutional digital platform of the UGR that allows the monitoring of the courses and the communication with the teaching staff and the students among themselves.

To use PRADO, you must have an official UGR email address. Within the platform is available the “Basic PRADO course for students” (you can self-enrol by going to the “Community” option), where you can learn how to use PRADO autonomously, supervised by CEVUG technicians.

The University of Granada allows you to create an e-mail address in your domain. It will be the channel to communicate with the rest of the university community. It is created through the Student Account (Acceso identificado by email option) and can be accessed at:

The University campuses have a WIFI network (EDUROAM) in all their facilities, where you can navigate for free with your laptop, mobile, or any electronic device.

You can use it address in Spanish and European universities.

The TUI es el documento de acreditación oficial del estudiante en la UGR (el carné universitario).

It can be used for functions such as access to the University Canteen, the computer and study rooms, library loans, etc.

It is obtained at instant issue points located in different faculties during the second half of July, during September, and the first half of October.

The dates and locations can be consulted.

Requirements: To be registered at the UGR during the current academic year in studies for obtaining an official degree throughout the national territory. Being under the age of 26. Have a family residence outside Granada, and that these details are fully and correctly recorded in the database. Be in possession of the TUI (university smart card). Integrate the transport service in the TUI.

To know how to do it, please consult.

Official App of the University of Granada. To access you must use the UGR “Acceso Identificado” Student Account.

  • FULL-TIME: To register at least 60 credits during the first-year and the others between 42 and 78 credits (Independently from the credits required to apply for the grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training).
  • PART-TIME: To register a number of credits between 24 and 41 (both options regardless of those credits required to apply for the grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training).

New students must PASS a minimum of 6 credits of the first-year regardless of the mode of study.

At the end of the second academic year, students must pass a minimum of 18 credits (full-time ) or 12 credits (part-time) to continue their studies.

For degrees of 240 credits, it is required a maximum of seven years of registration in the degree if it is a full-time degree. Students registered at a part-time mode of study will have double-time for their application. Students will have one additional academic year to complete their studies if they have a maximum of 5% of the credits or 2 subjects with a maximum of 15 credits left to complete, excluding the TFG.

Students who fail to comply with the performance or continuance conditions will not be able to continue their studies in the degree course they have registered in. After at least three academic years from the resolution, students may request the Rector, only once, to register in the same degree course in accordance with the University of Granada's access and admission regulations.

Students may begin other courses at the University of Granada, as stipulated by the regulations established for access. If they breach these regulations in the new degree, they will not be able to start other official university studies at the University of Granada. After at least two academic years from the resolution, they may request to the Rector, only once, for registration in official university studies in accordance with the regulations of access and admission of the University of Granada.

Students will be entitled to two examination convocatories, one ordinary and one extraordinary per course and academic year. To pass a course, there will be a maximum of SIX examination convocatories. Only those examinations convocatories that the student has taken, WITHOUT THE QUALIFICATION OF “ASSESSMENT NOT TAKEN”.

Students who do not pass the course in the sixth examination convocatory will not be able to continue in the degree unless the student is in a position to exercise the right to curricular compensation.

When the student has voluntarily failed to register for 2 consecutive academic years. If the minimum performance requirements are met, they may apply for re-registration and their admission will be decided by the Dean of the Academic Center.

The academic years taken at the University of origin will be taken into account. For the purposes of determining the period of continuance, one year will be subtracted for every 60 credits recognised.

This evaluation is carried out in one single academic event instead of continuous assessment. It is requested to the Department Executive within the first two weeks of the course. Exceptionally, the computation will be from the effective day of registration of the course for those students who join the academic year after the beginning of it (enrolment modification period, pre-registration, among others).

It is an ELECTIVE course, but those who wish to register to it must meet the following academic requirements: 60 basic credits (complete the first year) and 108 compulsory credits.

It is a compulsory course to complete the studies. It is a personal project that must reflect the competences acquired by the student. To be able to take it, students must have passed 60 basic credits (first year) and 108 compulsory credits and they must register for all the credits needed to complete the degree.

In order to obtain the Degree, accreditation of a foreign language (other than the native language) must be a B1 level.

At the secretary's office you can confirm your identity to obtain the certificate of natural person and thus be able to carry out procedures in a more accessible way. You can find more information on this website.

As a student, you can participate in all the representative bodies of the University of Granada (University Senate, Governing Council, etc.), and in those of the Faculty of Labour Relations and Human Resources. In addition, the Student Council (DGE) and the Student Council in each centre have been in operation since the academic year 08/09. You can find out more about how they work and how to participate on the website of the Vice-Rectorate for Student Services and Employability.

To improve our actions and procedures you can express your opinion by participating in the surveys provided by the University of Granada.

Remember: create an email address with the university and apply for your student card. IT HAS MANY ADVANTAGES... And if you have any questions or if you would like to receive more information. YOUR SECRETARY'S OFFICE IS HERE TO HELP YOU

  • For more information visit the faculty's website or send us your question by email to:, indicating your name, surname, Spanish National Identity Document (DNI), and degree.
  • All the forms you need can be picked up at the secretary's office and reception's of the academic centre, or downloaded from the faculty's website.
  • Timetable for attention: Monday to Friday (9:00 am to 2:00 pm). Special holiday opening hours will be announced on the website, and on the centre's screens.

Information on data protection:

  • Controller: University of Granada
  • Legal basis: University of Granada is entitled to process your data under the provisions of Article 6.1.of the GDPR.
  • Purpose: Manage your request.
  • Recipients: No comunications foreseen.
  • Rights: Access, object, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, data portability.
  • Additional information