
The backgrounds of the Faculty of Labour Relations and Human Resources, before “Faculty of Labour Sciences”, are firstly found in the University School of Labour Relations, prior to the University School of Social Graduates. Even though we must go back to the times of the Social School of Granada if we want to have a broader and more complete vision of the current Faculty.

By means of Royal Decree-Law of the 17th August 1925, the Section of Social Culture of the Ministry of Labour, Trade and Industry became a Social School. At the same time, the Social School was given the following tasks:  managing the bibliographic service and the archives of social, trade and industry studies; organising conferences, workshops, trips, exhibitions, congresses, publications and any social work related to the dissemination and promotion of social and economic topics.

In order to comply with the above-said goals, the Social School would organise the corresponding studies spread over three years. During those three years, students would enrol in courses related to social policy, human geography, workers protection, welfare institutions and social insurances among others. Students would as well take practical lessons, write a final dissertation and follow a course on a modern language and on stenography.

The Ministry of Labour would issue a study certificate that would be taking into account to earn a promotion as a civil servant within the Ministry.

Thanks to the aforementioned Royal-Decree, Social Schools in Spain were created. In compliance with article 39 of Royal-Decree-Law of the 7th September 1929, the Social School of Granada was established on the 9th November 1929, its director being Mr. Antonio Molina de Haro. The academic year would commence on the 18th November 1929 and lessons were given from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The School was located in a building shared with the Faculty of Law, at that time also holding the Faculty of Sciences, the Faculty of Arts, the Rectorate and the Central Services, at the University Square.

The work developed by the School would be disrupted in 1936 by the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War.

Once the war ended, the law of the 29th December 1941 allowed the creation of the Seminars of Social Studies in the university districts. These seminars would keep the same functions as the Social Schools.

The Seminar of Social Studies of Granada was created on the basis of the law of the 19th June 1943, the School was thus restored and Mr. Antonio Mesa Segura was named director.

Once the first study cycle was completed, the law of the 5th November 1946 was dictated and the Seminar of Social Studies of the University of Granada upgraded to Social School.

Thus, the journey of the Social School of Granada began and, until its integration with the University, different Seminars of Social Studies were created. Those seminars were located not only across the entire Andalusian geography (Cádiz, Huelva, Osuna, Seville, Cordova, Jaén, Almería, Jerez de la Frontera, Algeciras and Lucena) but also in Northern Africa (Ceuta, Melilla and Tetouan) in even in Equatorial Guinea (Fernando Po). Therefore, the number of students progressively increased, reaching 9,478 undergraduates during the academic year 1989/90.

In conformity with Decrees of June 1986 and July 1989 on the integration of Social Graduates Education in the University, the Seminars of Social Studies which did not  become associate schools at that stage were banned.

Through Decree 139/1990 of the 15th May the University School of Social Graduates of the University of Granada was created thanks to the integration of the Social School of Granada, the director being Mr. Jorge Riezu Martínez.

Since the academic year 1980/1981, the Social School headquarters were relocated from the University Square to the temporary seat of the School of Computer Engineering in Malaga Road. In 1994 the Social School moved to San Jerónimo building, its current location, on Rector López Argüeta Street, sharing the building with the University School of Social Work.

At the beginning of the academic year 1991/92 and as a consequence of the publication of Royal Decree 1429/1990 of the 26th October establishing the official university degree of Social Graduate as well as the guidelines of the curriculum of the program, a committee of professors from different areas was appointed to propose a curriculum draft for its discussion at the school board.

The new curriculum drafting was carried out while Mr. Francisco Abad Montes was the director and it was completed on the 28th July 1994 as a decision was issue by the University of Granada. This decision disclosed the curriculum of Labour Relations Graduates and the transformation of the School into the University School of Labour Relations. The curriculum entered into force during the academic year 1994/1995.

Since 1991, the coordinators of the schools at the national level along with students and professional representatives initiated a series of meetings which concluded on the 14th July 1999, when the Universities Council plenary session approved the university-specific general directives of the curriculum of the official university degree in Labour Sciences.

On January 2001, H. E. the Rector of our faculty set up a committee to prepare a curriculum draft of the university degree in Labour Sciences. The committee would conclude the draft on the 22nd March 2021 and would forward it to the rectorate in order to execute it.

On the session of the University of Granada governing board held on the 20th March 2001, the transformation of the University School of Labour Relations into the Faculty of Labour Sciences was approved. The licenciatura (2-year conversion Degree) in Labour Sciences started during the academic year 2002-2003.

In 2004, Antonio Delgado Padial assumed the role of Dean of the faculty. Under his mandate, the quality improvement plans as well as the adjustment process of the degree to the European Higher Education Area started. As a result, the new Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources is developed. The curriculum of the said degree was approved in the Governing Council of the University of Granada on the 26th February 2009. This curriculum was subsequently verified by the Spanish National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) on the 6th July 2009. In the academic year 2010-2011 this degree starts to be imparted, constituting a new millstone in the history of this faculty. Likewise, during that same academic year, the Master's Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention is developed.  

In 2012, Mr. Pedro Antonio García López is appointed as Dean of the Faculty.

Currently, since December 2020, Mr. Francisco José Díaz Bretones is Dean of the Faculty.