Ismael Ramón Sánchez Borrego

Vicedecano De Internacionalización

Facultad de Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humanos
Rector López Argüeta S/N Edificio San Jerónimo 18071 Granada

Profesor Titular de Universidad

Facultad de Ciencias
Avenida de la Fuente Nueva S/N 18071 Granada


Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology


Bachelor's Degree in Statistics

Systems Reliability

Bachelor's Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources

Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory and Upper Secondary Education, Vocational Education and Training (Vet) and Language Teaching

Free Elective Module - Survey Sampling: Economic, Social and Environmental Applications

Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory and Upper Secondary Education, Vocational Education and Training (Vet) and Language Teaching

Free Elective Module - Survey Sampling: Economic, Social and Environmental Applications

Master's Degree in Applied Statistics

Module 1: Statistics Applications - Survey Sampling: Economic, Social and Environmental Applications

Master's Degree in Applied Statistics

Module 1: Statistics Applications - Survey Sampling. Economic, Social and Environmental Applications